People & Topics of Interest


By: Jenny Hill

December 31, 2022

   I think each and every one of us have a fear of what will come with the next day's rising of the sun. But for many, it's the memories of the past that stand in the way, with a choke hold of the thought that they don't deserve a better tomorrow even though it is their heaviest, most profound dream of all.

   As we grow into adulthood, we carry the faults of our parents as a guilt and/or an excuse to fear the dream of happiness inside our being, causing us to believe we don't deserve it,  causing us to take leaps in life instead of taking the steps necessary to learn the lessons in life. We can't get over the thought that our parents should have done something different or better so we can feel different or better in our adulthood...we forget, our parents were in the exact same place but in a different time, like us, with no instruction manual, just the memories of the past. Denying this is the insecurities that childhood taught us, causing us to fear and hide our God-given power of individuality inside of each of us.

   It is true that our past is what creates who we are today and for many, we believe we don't have any power of control in the matter. Life happens, we were taught, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it, right?

   Wrong! When we understand that it isn't the issues in life that have control, it's the 'choice' of how we react and/or deal with the issues that brings about the results that matter. Simply put, our life is what it is due to the 'Choices' we make or don't make, whether the choices are right or wrong. It is the 'choice' that teaches us how we move forward. Allowing our past, our fears, our memories, our dramas, our stand in the way of our reality and common sense, forgetting our power in faith and love, is where we go astray and live with regret and fear, making life so hard, harder than need be. 

   Many achieve their paths blindly, some have an insight or direct goal, some just move because they have to, and some are stuck, standing still, afraid to make a choice, allowing fear to stand in the way of their future, just moving whatever way the wind blows, living life according to the choices of others or the drama inside their minds. Understanding that we were designed to learn from our choices in life, not regret them, not allow others to make them for us, is when we get it. While the choices are our individual responsibility, we are not alone in finding the options of those choices. Why were men and women created if we were meant to be alone? How does one become bull-minded instead of open-minded? Because, a pain of the past caused a fear of communication, a state of aloneness. Communication is what leads to the discovery of other options available. No consideration that the pain might be eased with the knowledge or knowing of another's experience is going against one's nature. Thinking one's way is the only way, hanging on to the pain of the past, causing one to not discover the good that can be felt in moving forward with more knowledge gained from the lessons learned and/or the options others can help one to consider, letting go of the pain, bringing about the peace in one's soul in the natural flow in one's life. God designed us to help one another, not to stand alone in one's pain and regret. 

   In today's world, many are drowning in the muck of life due to being weighed down with the baggage and memories of their past, allowing their past to stand in the way of their better future...that is called living in regret. Regret exists due to making a choice, one that we often wish we could take back or change, but the past can't be changed. When we realize that the regret was actually a lesson in life, teaching us to make a different, hopefully better choice next time, only then can we remove the blocks in our paths to move forward in life, a better life. Living life in regret and trying to escape the lessons is wasted time and energy that stalls us, and can be better spent when we replace 'regret' to be a 'lesson'. 

   No one is perfect and no one has a manual. While many believe the Bible is the manual, others believe the Bible was altered to change the way God meant life to be, while many were not informed either way. For many, the life we live today is proof of that. While many know that Faith brings 'better' forward, many just don't know how to put trust in Faith or even know how to find Faith, due to their past. Being confused about it, is what life's past created in them, causing them to build the walls that block the possibilities of a better future, not daring to believe that 'better' is possible or deserved, being stuck in their 'now'. If one is still in the 'stuck' mode after reading this, it might be a good idea to read it again to gain the messages herein.

   It is the individual 'choice' of God's children to let go of the Fear of Tomorrow. 


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