Hello Everyone! Thank you for coming to my unfinished website. Today, 2/13/2024, is a special day for so many reasons. First, being grateful for living this life, in this time, giving and receiving LOVE, ...WOW!

Thank you God!

Folks, my life is so different today than it was a year ago. Even the reasons for having this website have changed.

Yes, we are all supposed to evolve to a new person every day as we live, learn and grow, while we figure out our purposes in life, (of which we are all born with, we are all born with purpose), and yes, our purposes are always evolving depending on our choices in the 'free will' part of us. I have always known that one of my purposes was to help others and that was my reason for creating 'Intuitive Whisperings', to further help others as an Intuitive Life Coach.

Today, I'm still a life coach but better equipped due to the paths I've walked this last year.

On February 3rd, 2023, I began a path of 'Putting Me 1st so I could be better for everything else'.

As a 2-tour single Mom, starting in 1983, I had always put my children first, not myself. I'm here to say 'that was not the correct way to view things!'  Understanding that it IS NOT a selfish act, as we are all told, is where I had, and so many others have, an issue with thinking this way. We are told that the children always come first, right?

Yes, I realize that I'm walking a thin line here but please bare with me for a minute.

Ask yourself, what is your duty, your job, as a parent? First, love your children. That comes naturally without question. Beyond that, it is to teach our children how to become productive members of society, with morals, values, and standards to survive it and continue that process with their children and so on. In my world, when we do that with Faith in God, it creates a strength in our children that no one can tear down. But too often, life gets in the way and the struggles become the important parts of every day survival. The act of prayer, for example, somehow becomes less and less a part of our every day when we are working so hard to survive our day, raising & supporting our children. I get that because I've lived it. In the process, as a single Mom, I became a workaholic. As a woman, working in a man's world didn't pay well. I worked my ass off to pay the bills, to provide for my children with clothes, food, shelter, education, medical care, blah, blah, blah....nothing was about what I wanted but what my children needed. The phrase 'if I knew then, what I know now...' keeps coming to mind but that's an oxymoron statement for me. We aren't supposed to just know these things, we are supposed to learn them. The past is only good for 2 things. The lessons we learn and the good memories. Back to the initial statement of  why it 'isn't' a selfish act to put you first, even before your children. This isn't about buying stuff for you and not your children, being conceded or anything like that. This is about, if you don't take care of yourself first, how are you able to do your best for your children? I spent the last 40 years of motherhood being tired, having a broken body to boot. I spent all of my time providing for my children's needs while neglecting my own needs. The simple act of buying vitamins for my children but not buying any for me...see where I'm gong here? It is a pure miracle that I didn't break down long before I actually did. Today, I can actually see how life would have been much different if I had paid more attention to myself and not made it all about my children alone. Lived & learned!

So, am I back on the correct side of that thin line now? Lol.

 Today, as a life coach, I help others find their own strengths to be better able to walk their own paths positive-forward. The fact that I've now put Me first for the past year was a game changer. I'm better able to help others to do the same.

It all started with a FREE tour of a company that got tired of people getting screwed, in health & wealth. They have made it their mission to change that for everyone and it's working, on a massive scale, worldwide!


I'm proudly a part of that mission and offer it as an option to consider in your path positive-forward.

As an Intuitive Life Coach, I use my life's experiences and knowledge, and yes, my intuition, to help others discover their own strengths to become a better version of themselves. I do this by having basic, honest, conversations and I do not charge a fee for my services.

Anyone who is having any type of issues in life can contact me in email at: jennwriter63@gmail.com

I'm here to help you find direction in your path!

Past Information

1/11/2023: I just updated 'People & Topics' with something I wrote on the eve of the new year (12/31/2022). It's titled, 'FEAR OF TOMORROW'.  This was written for someone who was having issues about moving forward, not me.

Motivational Information

We all have our own paths to walk in life. Figuring out how to look forward with purpose will grow within and glow outward. Here is a message from Mel Robbins that I'm in total agreement with:


A Special Note from Just Jenn:

Please bare with me. Right now, this website is totally unorganized because I'm having to re-learn how to build a website. With my busier life today, it'll be a minute before I can get a grip on it. Please email me at the address above and any comments or questions. Thank you.


That's the link to my 'Just Jenn' group page in fb.

Please consider joining to have conversations about most anything under the sun and see the Just Jenn show when I start airing soon!

I will be recording my live shows to be posted on many of my platforms, including links to them on this site.

I'm currently seeking people just like me who have something to say in conversation to be guests on my show, so please contact me thru the link above or email me at jenxhill3619@gmail.com

No fanfare, no sales pitches, just you and me having a conversation about the topic of the show. I'm trying to set my live airings for Saturdays at 1pm, CST and the topic for my first, intro, show will be 'Choices, Judgements & Assumptions, beyond shit happens!'


Figuring out how to add stuff to this site...SMH...LOL


This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Make sure the title suits the content of this text.

New Paragraph

For those who are seeking truth, join us in fb messenger

Truth with Just Jenn

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